
Thursday, November 25, 2004

Medical Trauma Lane - part 4

After both teams had run their exercise, the MEDEVAC team took us up for a quick trip around the training area.

Here are our COBs (Civilians On the Battlefield)

Our training site was on the edge of a drop zone, so a few jumps took place while we were there...

To encourage serious training and practice I made evaluation day a competition. Whichever team completed the mission and didn't let any of their patients die would get dinner off post. The fastest time would be the tie-breaker. Team one beat team two by two minutes. Here's their dinner in Lakewood, WA in front of a big-screen TV watching the Chiefs on the 22nd.

Medical Trauma Lane - part 3

The first team did a good job, now it's time for team #2 to run the same scenario.

At the scene...

Treating inside the building...

Evacuating out the side of the building...

Medical Trauma Lane - part 2

One of my teams practicing working with the security detail

After a day of training, here's the first team to be evaluated

Their casualties were located in a building with frantic civilians (played by people from Kosovo and Iraq). In this picture the security detail is securing the scene before the medics enter

After the medical team entered the building, the security team prevents the civilians from entering.

After performing initial treatment, it's time to move to the Casualty Collection Point

Moving patients...

Medevac arrives...

Coordinating with the crew...

Approaching with the first patient...

Loading the helicopter...

Medical Trauma Lane - part 1

Patricia is on her way from the Seattle airport to spend Thanksgiving with me. Unfortunately I wasn't able to meet her at the airport and traffic is very heavy, so I have some time on my hands. Last week my medics had a chance to participate in "Medical Trauma Lane" training where they work in simulated combat conditions. I took a lot of pictures, so I'll break it up into four postings...

Here the instructors show us how to secure a "point of injury" using a security detail to move all the civilians away from the casualties so they can be safely treated.

A member of the security detail handles a basic task so medics can take care of other problems.

Loading patients on the 5-ton

One of the security guys got bored, so he grabbed a mannequin and passed some time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

more patrolling pictures

More pictures from the patrolling lanes...

Closing on the enemy:

Road march to the objective:

Breaking up a civil disturbance (Serbians vs ethnic Albanians)

The training site for urban operations

Sunday, November 14, 2004

gas chamber & patrol lanes

For the curious out there, this is what the outside of the cattle car looks like:

Sorry I'm not in any of these pictures. I guess I can't prove I actually went through the gas chamber. I've been through gas chambers before, but this was the first to build greater confidence in the protective mask. The only way we could tell the gas was active was the prickling/burning on our skin as it permeated our clothing. Once inside for a while we did jumping jacks, ran in place and performed exaggerated mouth movements to show the mask seal would hold. After intentionally breaking the seal, replacing the mask and clearing it we exited. Here are some of the guys just before entering. (No hoods on the mask since our new protective suits have hoods attached to them.)

Apparently we arrived and tested in the gas chamber before this sign was put up. Surely someone would have tried to use it as an excuse to skip out.

After surviving the gas chamber, I figured I deserved a fancy dinner and a night on the town:

While going through a patrol exercise on the way to an 'illegal checkpoint' we came across human remains that needed to be secured and reported to the Kosovo Police Service. Here's a training aid from that site:

We received some training on basic crowd control skills using riot gear:

Finally, last night we had a memorial service here at Fort Lewis for the two Kansas Guardsmen that were killed in Iraq. Having the battalion assembled just after dark, listening to the citation of how those soldiers performed their duties was a lesson in taking our training seriously, taking pride in our mission, and being grateful for the being tasked with a peacekeeping mission in a country that wants us there.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

9mm & land navigation ranges

Some pictures from the last few days...

While searching all over post for a print shop to get some large publications printed and bound I passed this statue at Gray Airfield with Mount Ranier in the background.

Here's a shot of everyone hanging out at the 9mm range waiting for an opportunity to fire.

This is everyone's favorite time at the range. Everyone has qualified and there's extra ammunition. Here, all the targets are up until all extra rounds have been fired.

This is from this morning's trip to the land navigation range. We got a freshly painted cattle car, so it was a little more sterile than the typical trip.

We were only tasked with locating a single point for our land navigation exercise. Here's proof my team didn't just get it from someone else.

This area has a protected species of ants. They're known for creating huge hills.