Last weekend we conducted the first-ever MEDCAP in Pozaranje. Actually it was a DENTCAP/OPTCAP where we planned on only providing dental and optometry services. The KPC showed up with a doctor and medical team, so we ended up giving them a room to do medical care. We saw 197 people, gave 150 eye exams and 50 dental exams. In a typical MEDCAP we see more people, but an optometry exam requires more time than a doctor visit.
The school in Pozaranje

Dr. Bashkim giving a dental exam.

Me with a reporter from Bota Sot, Dr. Bashkim and the Pozaranje mayor.

A group of kids.

The KPC medical team.

Hi Sir,
My wife found your blog spot while on the net yesterday. I have enjoyed the pictures. It is bitter-sweet to see the old stomping grounds of Pozaranje and Vrban. I was there for 6A. I did recognize a couple of people in your pix. I didn't see the usual group of kids but I'm sure they were standing around the vehicles.
Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. That Sunday was kind of dreary and the town never really came around. 6A did a good job of setting us up for success - thanks!
I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had a chance to keep this weblog very current. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of yesterday's MEDCAP in Smira and a lot of other events posted soon.
Barry Wells sent me an e-mail this morning that he had seen your Holiday greeting in TV last night. Hope all is well with you. As usual here at Sprint/Nextel we are just waiting the next round of changes.
Be safe.
Darrell Giles
Hi.Jam.Really i don't now who you are and where are you from.I have seen the pictures from pozheran and vitia.So can you tell me what is the difference between the kosovo and the U.S.Really i want to now what do you thing.Are you still in kosovo?
Thank you
Best regarts
Thank you for your comment. I'm at home in the Kansas City area now. My tour in Kosovo was very rewarding.
In brief, the most noticeable differences between Kosovo and the US are the degree of poverty (or degree of difference between those who have and those who don't) while yet managing to find joy in life and value in family.
I made many good friends there that I hope to see again.
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